Thursday, May 2, 2013


The Screenr URL for our presentation on PBL is:

During the course of the semester, I contributed my thoughts and feelings in the weekly forums.  Our group, the Buddha's, tried our best to give input and complete our tasks. 

I also contributed to doing the "voice overs" or audio recordings using ScreenR presentations on our PBL project.  I did the audio recordings for Authentic Assessment and also for our final presentation on PBL, what it was about, our SLO's, scenarios, and rubric.

Kayelani, Johanna, and I contributed to each task, especially to the SLO element of the PBL project.  Jason was our project manager and pulled off our interesting project on students interning at a stock brokerage firm and how they'd do PBL on playing stock market game, and keeping logs on their weekly data. 

I tried my best during the semester to give my input as best as I could, and to learn about the Screenr audio recordings so that our final project could be deliverable.

It's been a hard but interesting semester.  I learned a lot here in ED 279 with all the Web 2.0 tools, and it's been great to work with Jason, Kayelani, Johanna, and Michelle and Nathan.

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