I looked up a site on Authentic Assessment and found an article by Daniel Callison. The URL is: http://www.ala.org/aasl/aaslpubsandjournals/slmrb/editorschoiceb/infopower/selctcallison.
The article came under the heading of American Association of School Librarians. I just wanted to read more about Authentic Assessment to find out what it was about so I could contribute to my group. I emailed Jason to contribute my ideas about what I found and this week, for the Screenr presentation, I added my voice to the powerpoint presentation.
I know Jason was up early this morning about 1am because I was up at that time stressing about school, jobs, and life, and I went onto our Laulima site, and he was plugging away on our presentation.
The role I had this week was contributing ideas to our weekly forum, and contributing ideas about Authentic Assessment, and doing our "voice over" for our Authentic Assessment Power Point presentation.
I know that we are all juggling our jobs, life, schoolwork, stresses, and familiy life and I think our group is handling our overall group work okay. I basically try to stay on the positive side when my life goes topsy turvy. I try to contribute as best as I can and try to encourage as much as I can.
As far as our group, we have had our fair share of trials and tribulations, but in the end, we do what we need to do to best complete our assignments to the best of our ability. I think in life, as long as we plug away, ask questions, try to keep on the bright side as much as possible, it all works out in the end.
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